Friday, July 29, 2011

Some days...

...I find myself asking God to simply see me through to the end of the day, so I can start over tomorrow. Today is one of those days. It isn't actually a bad day. I'm tired, and that never helps. I finished my work in a reasonable amount of time. I was looking forward to accomplishing several things, and then I found myself stuck. I didn't know why; I only knew there was something I needed to change. Maddening. I tried distracting myself, knowing that sooner or later my brain would drag out of the depths of my subconscious what needed to be done. Four hours later, it did, but now I don't want to do anything more than curl up with a book for a few hours, and go to sleep early, but not too early.

What bothers me about the day is that it feels like I'm living very much on the surface. It seems to be a place I go when I'm feeling very insecure and out of sorts, wondering what in the world I'm thinking on my current path. I feel like I've done nothing all day, and yet I've worked on my WordPress stuff, finished my work, done a bit of catch up in several areas, and straightened out a continuity problem that really needed to be fixed. A mild headache is probably not helping any. Then again, I'm looking at putting into motion plans I've had percolating for a very long time. I miss my dog. Funny how thinking that brings an unexpected calm.


  1. It's one of the worst feelings in the world to feel that you haven't accomplished anything, no matter what you managed to do or finish during the day. Second to that is having your contentment at finishing something crushed by the realization that there are ten more things to do waiting in the wings. ;-) In either case, our feelings are lying to us! What we accomplish during any given day is whatever gets done, and it's all good, even when outside influences or feeling under the weather or missing friends makes us feel off enough that we can't accept that.

    Here's hoping today is better, that you actually rested last night, and that unexpected calm will be the rule of the day for you today.

  2. Bless you, Margaret, and thank you. Yes, today is better.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.