Saturday, April 28, 2012

My Heroes... my brother...

My younger brother is a truly amazing person. I'm celebrating him, today, because he doesn't know where to find me this weekend, so I can say what I want and he'll have to wait until after the weekend to hunt me down. :-P

We did not start out as friends. It didn't help that our grandmother came to live with us, and her philosophy was: He could do no wrong, and I could do no right. Not that it was a picnic for him being the favorite. The batty woman would wake him up in the middle of the night to play with him like a doll. Talk about sleep deprivation.

Fortunately, we moved past the rivalry in our teens. When he became a freshman in high school, I was a senior. If anyone was going to pick on him, it would be me, otherwise hands off. Of course, we didn't exactly run in the same circles, so a lot happened I didn't know about. He survived.

I feel very privileged to be able to call him one of my friends. How awesome is it that I also enjoy his wife and children?

What little I knew about fashion sense, I learned from him. Do not blame my problems with fashion on him; it isn't his fault. I accept full responsibility. It comes from spending years trying to disappear. He has an artist's heart, and simply knows what goes well together. You should see the landscaping he and his wife created outside my window. No, you should smell it right now. Star Jasmine. Absolutely stunning.

He's always pushing me outside my comfort zone. "Here, try this." "Hey, have you ever done this?" "You should do this." And darn it, he's often right.

He introduced me to NASCAR. And we all know where that has landed me.

He unearthed my interest in politics. When I find myself bogged down by all the insanity, he reminds me there are really only two sides: Capitalism and Socialism/Communism. I'm poor as a church mouse, and I'm screaming for capitalism. He suggests I tone it down. I try. I do. Sometimes I'm successful; sometimes I'm not. I look at it as the right to choose for myself or someone else choosing for me. I make a lot of mistakes, and there are plenty of people who think I'd be a whole lot better off if I allowed someone else to make my choices for me, but there is nothing more exciting than finally grasping a concept on my own, with the help of a lot of friends, but still making that shaky step in the direction I want to go and discovering I'm on firm ground.

When I decided to pursue my writing, I knew I needed to learn about branding. I also knew we had a family expert. He has educated and guided. Again, if I'm messing up, it's my own fault, not his. He has been a great cheerleader.

When I feel bogged down and overwhelmed, he has a gift for sorting things out, down to the basic elements. He listens to me when I disagree with him. He listens when it's hard. He understands he can't fix everything, but he's willing to help if he's able.

He's a keeper.


  1. You are truly blessed. My brother, my friend, my soulmate died when he was but twenty-one. I miss him to this day.


Brain Dump

"News" outlets, also known as propaganda machines, release articles including pictures from movies or unrelated documentaries but ...